June-A Month in Review

Princess Pink Garden Shoe Watercolor by Brownlee Art Studio
So now that July's almost over, I thought I would fill you in on what happened in June.  At this point, I'm sure everyone has totally forgotten about the month of June, busily embroiled in hot, stick July fun. However, since I pretty much skipped over the ENTIRE month of June with barely a blurb, I figured that now the month deserves at least a few short words. 

Green Computer Ring by Sypria
In terms of online sales, June was a total bust.  Okay, not a TOTAL bust, but really, REALLY pitiful.  I think I had a grand total of three sales last month.  As I was sitting in front of my keyboard, feeling sorry for myself, I happened upon an article on the Etsy blog that talked about the SUMMER SALES SLUMP many sellers encounter.  Apparently, this trend is due to the fact that around June, many pasty people blinkingly make their way out into the sun, after spending 10 months or so basking in the fluorescent light of their computer monitors.  After reading the aforementioned article, I quickly ended my self indulgent pity party and decided to start preparing my shop for the BUSY upcoming holiday season, as the article suggested.  Last year, October straight through til February, things got CRAZY online AND my brick and mortar shop.  Therefore, I surmised that there were quite a few things that I could use my free time to do, in expectation of the busy season ahead.  Then, my perfect little plan was thrown, careening, out the window.  Unexpectedly, the very second the clock read 12:00am, July 1st, online orders came FLYING IN over the interwebs (thanks Amanda, that word never gets old).  Perhaps at this point in the Northern Hemisphere people are retreating from the searing summer sun and returning to the soothing fluorescent light of their computer screens, conveniently located in a refrigerated indoor oasis.   In any case, this unsuspecting little business lady has become unexpectedly B-U-S-Y!  Not that I'm complaining, I'm just trying to catch my breath.  :)

So June....right.  That is what I was righting about!  Well, the most notable thing that happened in June was my and Mateo's 6th wedding anniversary.  We've been trying to save some money, so I had little financial leeway when it came to buying a "LIFE CHANGING, HEART STOPPING, OH-NO-YOU-DIDN'T" anniversary gift for him.  What I ended up doing was really creative and  fun, thankfully my husband seemed to think so too.  I got him one small almost practical gift, his signature cologne, which I absolutely LOVE.  His former bottle of cologne, that he'd had since we were dating, met it's tragic demise one day when it's beautifully delicate bottle encountered the beautiful but NOT so delicate marble floor in our bathroom (p.s. It wasn't my fault this time, FEW!).  This small, almost practical, gift just didn't seem exciting enough for an anniversary present for my beloved, so I decided to spice it up a little.  I made finding his gift into an indoor treasure hunt!  I wrote Mateo 6 cards, one for each year we've been married, and scattered 5 of them in secret places all around the house.  I gave the first card to him, which had a riddle inside, explaining where the next card was hidden.  All of the riddles were connected to our own little inside jokes, silly memories, or important events in our lives, like: "What is the one anniversary gift you swear you will NEVER buy me again?"  (answer, incomprehensibly large furniture...don't ask).  Once he figured out the riddle, he would head to the location of the object in question and search for his next card, the last card revealing what his gift was!  It turned out to be a really sweet way to laugh and reminisce about our past.  Finally, after all of my gift giving shenanigans, we jetted off to nearby, scenic Bar Harbor, Maine with Mateo's parents, to stroll along the city streets, arm in arm, enjoying the ocean air.

Cards Can Be a GREAT GIFT!  Check out some INSANE Handmade Cards that I found on Etsy!  Lego Card by Silly Reggie, Message in a Bottle by Looking Glass Memory, 3D Hearts Card with Glasses by Wit and Whistle, Secret Message Decoder Card by Crank Bunny, Puzzle Card by Takara Wooden Treasure, Message in an Egg by Little Okins, Cake Post Card by Tang Baby, Chinese Calligraphy I Love You Card by Televised
So, in review, June was a pretty quite month, except for a few extraordinarily bright spots with my love.  :)

Have a great July, everyone!